This study was to examine the basis of `Cho-sun-se-bub`, which was one of the oldest martial arts with `Bon-kuk-kum-bub` in history. `Cho-sun-se-bub` was widely disclosed in the beginning of 17th century through `Mu-bee-ji.` which was a book of compiled tactics of China, and was considered to influence in Japan as well as in China.
First of all, the study outlined the culture of Korean sword, and compared books of tactics of both Korea and China and `Mu-bee-Ji`. And then, the relation to and historical background of `Cho-sun-se-bub` was investigated through looking martial-arts before `Cho-sun-se-bub` such as swordmanship or `Keok-bong,` etc., and practical technique of `Cho-sun-se-bub` was revived according to the principle.
The result of the study indicated that `Cho-sun-se-bub` influenced to swordmanship of oriental three countries, and became a basis of international exchange, which was very rare at that time. It is an epoch-malting fact in the history of martial-arts. In addition, based on the practical technique of `Cho-sun-se-bub.` Korean Kumdo can obtain a prestigious status in the world of international Kumdo. Also `Cho-sun-se-bub` will be a significant basis in the history of Korean Kumdo.
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The Political Idea of President Chunghee Park's Regime and Sports - Nationalism 체육사 : 박정희 정권의 정치이념과 스포츠 내셔널리즘
이학래HakLaeLee , 김종희ChongHeeKim
38(1) 22-35, 1999
The Political Idea of President Chunghee Park's Regime and Sports - Nationalism 체육사 : 박정희 정권의 정치이념과 스포츠 내셔널리즘
이학래HakLaeLee , 김종희ChongHeeKim
In this study I`d like to examine the effects on the athletic policy under the political idea of President Park`s regime-nationalism or a sort of democracy of Korea. For this I make a comparative study of sports-nationalism in the case of England, Germany and Korea.
There are some differences between England, started modern sports, and Germany, tried to plan a unified national country. Nevertheless, We can confirm that they have some common elements to cultivate sound mind and awaken the spirit of nationalism through sports-nationalism. The regime of President Park couldn`t help pursuing national solidarity in order to achieve the revival of the country and economical independence.
The regime of President Park stood for "A physical strength is a national power", which began the time of encouraging physical training and gradually carried out a policy of physical education, reinforcing school physical exercise, supporting athletic organizations, popularizing the population of exercise, promoting the circumstance of exercise, and so on. The concept of sports-nationalism has been brought into relief affirmatively by standing on the basis of a matter of national policy including a national budget.
It is a fact of that there is a comment which we made too much of cultivating specific athletes of superiority and sticking to support physical training for a good record at international sporting events during the regime of President Park. We should have more developed sports-nationalism which every people could take part in and enjoy as daily activities.
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A historical study on the process of introduction of Physical Education in the Enlightening Period Korea 체육사 : 우리나라 개화기에 있어서 「 체육 」 의 도입과정에 관한 연구
38(1) 36-48, 1999
A historical study on the process of introduction of Physical Education in the Enlightening Period Korea 체육사 : 우리나라 개화기에 있어서 「 체육 」 의 도입과정에 관한 연구
This is to study the formation of physical education, physical education, and the appearance and fixation of physical education.
And that is for analyzing the process of instruction of physical education in the enlightening period of Korea.
To sum up, it is as follows.
1. In the enlightening period of Korea, various term were used for the formation of the term "physical education" as follows, in the year 1888 `preservation of health,` in the year 1889 "care of health," and the next year "Cheyang," in 1897 "physical education."
But these terms were used only for a year, in the true sense, the flxationof "physical education" was after the year 1905.
2. The concept of "Physical Education" was formed as a social common
idea over physical education, which was the education for body through gymnastics or physical exercises, with an opportunity of instruction of "gymnastics" to the school curriculum by the nation since 1895.
3. Since 1897, when the concept of "physical Education" was used for the first time in Korea. The concept of it meant "Education for body" throug physical exercises.
4. In 1906, the concept of "Education through physical exercises" was formed, which was the education of body and soul, with the means of exercises.
Through the process like the above, we can conclude the concept of "Physical Education" in the enlightening period of Korea was formed by the two processes;
1) education of body by physical exercises and sanitation and
2) education for body and soul by physical exercises.
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Happiness in sport : art as self - realization 체육철학 : 스포츠 행복론 : 자아실현의 예술
38(1) 51-60, 1999
Happiness in sport : art as self - realization 체육철학 : 스포츠 행복론 : 자아실현의 예술
The greatest concern of mankind is happiness. We regard happiness as something which is dedious to wait for or think of the act itself of pursuing it as something ideal which is not suitable for modern life. Especially, we is tempted more by pleasure or enjoyment rather than happiness leading a spiritually unstable life.
The object of this piece of writting is, by clarifling that pleasure could never be happiness through pleasure itself is not bad and that good pleasure constitutes an element of happiness, To give a right understanding towards happiness in sport and to help form a new view of value.
In this article, I attempted to establish the definition of happiness in sport. To deal with the opinion contrary to the pleasure which used to be prevailing in the days of Aristoteles and what was his standpoint on the same and to try to make clear what happiness stands for and how we could attain it.
For this purpose, my discussion was concentrated on individual self-realizaion and social self-realization, so I, also discussed how recognized the relation between individual and social of happiness in sport and examined the specific character and various problems included in happiness of sport in Mead`s theory way.
In conclusion, Sport in athletics is a space for realization of self-potential. The life of self-realization demend character and creative activity in sport. So, we as being in sport gained that which we realize individual potential possibility and creative activity. we have gained happiness in possibility realization and value view. On basic element I defined sport was an art of self-realization, and Happiness in sport have gained behavior as art of self-realization, free and creation in activity.
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An Approach to Physical Education on the Basis of the Intrinsical an Absolute Value in Sports 체육철학 : 스포츠에 내재된 절대적 가치에 기초한 체육교육으로의 접근
38(1) 61-74, 1999
An Approach to Physical Education on the Basis of the Intrinsical an Absolute Value in Sports 체육철학 : 스포츠에 내재된 절대적 가치에 기초한 체육교육으로의 접근
This study have got a conclusion by consideration with a view to supplement and upward these Values of sports by applicable things to physical education with certify, and correspond to the extrinsic and the intrinsic values, as follows. These values in physical education have tied up the desires of human a inevitable relationship. In thought on the basis of the axiology, I could classified according to the relative values and the absolute value, the former was the realistic body what could got by an endeavor, and the latter was the inner body what could got to realized in an effortful process. If the physical education build up the highest dimension`s values, we were necessary for make up for these both all.
In case of the former, it recognized that these values have gifted with a motivation in physical activities and have incited on vitality for a intensity of motor performance, but I presented a limitation that these things brought a reversed function now and then. In the latter, however, I proposed that the purpose of motor performance was not `the what`, but place the focus on `how do`, and them the motor performer himself were emphasized on `become aware of the what` by process of motor performance. These values were presented with an alternative proposal could complement the limitation of the relative values.
Centering around this absolute value immanented in physical education, I could selected the last thing among the pleasure, the Joy and the Blessedness as the result in search for what could understand each other to it. The highest reach of this pleasure was more adequate a expressional use called `what become aware of it` than `what get`. At present, I expected that the work made this stage of the blessedness dimension clear a essential meaning was impossible matter. But I thought that these empirical bodies would provide a momentum for a raise more than the level of the existing values.
With this blessedness dimension as the chief object of this absolute value immanented in sports activities similar to the conception of a truth(Do), I could knew that it connected the stage of a state of complete absence of sensation(Nirvan and the deliverance of one`s soul. Because I wind knew what these phenomenons identified a really `become unified a sentiment, and then, an instant come to a climax` in motor performance of physical education with these things. Because of these the peak
experiences are more higher the intensity extremely than other works, these motor performers would have a higher bewitching power and a matter of concern than the other works. Since it was so, They become have a potential energy to could active with attachment heart in a good period. These experiences could leading out a lively physical activities and a powerful motor performance. Eventually, what these experiences will become a good initial manure to the physical education of life long.
Therefore, these absolute values will create a more higher values in physical education. Because they will to created a higher quality of the values of physical education by correspond to these relative values. Being based on these things, the future`s physical education will expected to be the steadiness of values when complemented a processional domain like not only the relative value `What itself, but also the absolute value `How itself`. Also, if were backup a theoretical studies on the purpose, the curriculum and the estimate of physical education with this intrinsical value of sports. It would take a new opportunity of transformation being hold the best value.
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The Relationship Between Sport and National Development : Two Interpretations 체육철학 : 스포츠와 국가발전 - 두 가지 해석 -
38(1) 75-85, 1999
The Relationship Between Sport and National Development : Two Interpretations 체육철학 : 스포츠와 국가발전 - 두 가지 해석 -
It is usually thought that the relationship between sport and national development is closely tied together. It is also acknowledged that sport is an effective means of achieving national development. In this perspective, sport and national development is empirically related, in which they are externally connected to each other. Their relation is, to use a philosophical term, causal rather than necessary. Thus, sport is not logically necessary in order to achieve national development. It is possible to utilize many different means for the purpose of national development. But this perspective lowers the status of sport down to the bottom in an attempt to heighten its role. There is a need to develop an alternative perspective where sport is regarded as an integral part of national development. Sport and national development is related internally and conceptually, thus their relation is a necessary one. The view of sport as culture is taken in this study. And Plato`s three elements of a just state, Kierkegaard`s three developmental stages of self, and The Great Learning`s eight items are discussed here in order to develop the alternative view on the relationship between sport and national development.
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A Study on the Sports and Social Status in Education Institution2 스포츠사회학 : 교육제도에서의 스포츠와 사회적 지위에 관한 연구2
38(1) 89-101, 1999
A Study on the Sports and Social Status in Education Institution2 스포츠사회학 : 교육제도에서의 스포츠와 사회적 지위에 관한 연구2
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sport participation and social status in adolescent society under the assumption that sport can provide social mobility.
The subjects were students in middle, highschools, and universities located in Seoul. 900 students in 27 schools were selected from December, 1997 to March, 1998 using multi-stage cluster random sampling. Finally 790 students were analyzed as subjects for collecting data.
Data were collected (Coleman, 1961; Eitzen, 1976; Friesen, 1968; Kang, 1989; Thirer & Wright, 1985), internal validity of the instrument were regarded from them.
Mean and order were produced by items, ANCOVA and 2-way ANOVA were used to test the mean difference at α level .05. In comparison with results of previous studies, the conclusions obtained from this procedure were as follows;
1. The social status in male students was closely related to leading activity, academic world sports, and social background in that order. In case of female students, academic work, leading activity, sports, and social background in that order.
2. There were significant differences in valuation for academic work, sports, social background by gender and grade of school, leisure type.
3. The social status determinant of female students viewed by male students was appearance, academic work, social background, leading activity, and sports in that order. In case of female students, appearance, leading activity, academic work, sports, and social background in that order.
4. There was a significant difference in valuation for leading activity, sports, appearance of opposite gender by gender.
5. The school spirit determinant in male students was educational environment, tradition, peer relations, entrance rate, and sports in that order. In case of female students, educationa environment, peer relations, entrance rate, tradition and sports in that order.
6. There was a significant difference in valuation for tradition and sports as a school spirit determinant by gender.
7. There was a negative relationship between sports participation and social status in Korean educational institution.
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The Competitive and Cooperative Interactions in Leisure Swimming 스포츠사회학 : 여가 수영상황에서의 경쟁과 협동적 상호작용의 발현
강효민HyoMinKang , 이종영JongYoungLee
38(1) 102-111, 1999
The Competitive and Cooperative Interactions in Leisure Swimming 스포츠사회학 : 여가 수영상황에서의 경쟁과 협동적 상호작용의 발현
강효민HyoMinKang , 이종영JongYoungLee
The present study has investigated of competitive and cooperative interactions among leisure swimming groups members. Eight females registered for a swimming class agreed to serve as the subjects of the study. They ranged from 33 to 55 years of age, with the swimming experience of from 18 months to 14 years. Data were collected by in-depth interviews and non-participant observation during the period from December, 1997 through April, 1998. The techniques of constant comparative method was used to analyze the data. The analysis resulted in identifying several sensitizing concepts among the present subjects, which were interpreted from the symbolic interactionist framework developed by Mead(1936) and Blumer(1969).
The following generalizations were reached at.
The sports group members is experience of competition against self and others. The competition against self is experienced in relation to technical improvement and goal achievement. The competition against others is experienced in both superior and inferior situations. These situations provide other-superior competitive interaction superior-superior, inferior superior as well as other-inferior superior competitive interaction patterns. The present subjects also experience cooperative interactions. The reoperation is found in the social acts relating to group norms and to mutual facilitation. The group norm cooperation is related to norm formation, norm maintenance, norm reinforcement, and norm violation. Mutual facilitation is experienced in technical cooperation and class advancement, and in safety observance.
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The Study on the confirmative causual and structrual model among participation in leisure Sports , perceived leisure competence and life satisfaction of the Elderly 스포츠사회학 : 여자 노인의 선행변인 , 생활체육 참가 , 여가유능감 지각 및 생활만족도간의 확증적 인과모형 개발
38(1) 112-124, 1999
The Study on the confirmative causual and structrual model among participation in leisure Sports , perceived leisure competence and life satisfaction of the Elderly 스포츠사회학 : 여자 노인의 선행변인 , 생활체육 참가 , 여가유능감 지각 및 생활만족도간의 확증적 인과모형 개발
To develop the causual and structrual model among antecedent variables, perceived leisure competence, and life satisfaction, this study was foused to develop most optimal model comparing to between proposed model and competitive model after seting up hypothetical model.
The study tool for measuring perceived leisure competence was a 4 point Likert Scale qusetionnaire adjusted for this research propose developed by Witt & Ellis(1982, 1989), Harter(1982), Yosids(1996) and the Life Satisfaction a 4 point Likert Scale questionnaire developed by sung-jae, Choe(1986).
Analysis was done by the LISREL 8.12 version using Liner Structural Equation Modeling.
The results of this study was a follows:
Comperative Model 2 was adopted the optimal one among three Models through compering with Absolute Fit, Incremental Fit and Parsimonious Fit Measures.
In conclusion, this study showed that there is the causal relationship among perceived leisure competence → participation in sport for all → life satisfaction of the Elderly.
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Influences of Family Environment on Socialization into the Role of Middle-and-High School Woman Soccer Player 스포츠사회학 : 가정환경적 변인이 여자축구선수 역할사회화에 미치는 영향
송강영KangYoungSong , 김범준BeomJoonKim
38(1) 125-134, 1999
Influences of Family Environment on Socialization into the Role of Middle-and-High School Woman Soccer Player 스포츠사회학 : 가정환경적 변인이 여자축구선수 역할사회화에 미치는 영향
송강영KangYoungSong , 김범준BeomJoonKim
The purposes of this study were to examine the influences of family enviroment on socialization into the role of middle-and-high school woman soccer player.
Subjects of this study were sampled 240 middle-and-high school woman soccer players and 297 non-athletes(total 537 person) using the stratified cluster random sampling. Statistics methods employed in this analysis were correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis.
Based on the result of the study, the following conclusions appear warranted:
1. Factors related to family environment influencing socialization into role of athlete are educational level of parent, job prestige and subjective stratification.
2. Factors related to family environment aren`t influences experience of win.
3. Factors environment influencing experience of athlete are educational level of mother, job prestige, while aren`t influence chief and substitute player.
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The Relationship between Participation in Health Program and Life Satisfaction of an Elder 스포츠사회학 : 노인의 건강교실 프로그램 참가와 생활만족의 관계
This study was designed to empirically examine the relationships between participation in health program which was served from university for community area and life satisfaction of an elder. Especially, this study was to planed repeated measure design to examine the effectiveness of the participate in health program. And pilot test executed before the health program begging and post test executed 3 month later for remove the carry over effect.
For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 63 subjects were selected from the participators in health program of H university in 1998. The sample number used in actual analysis was 59 people. The questionnaires for life satisfaction was developed by Choi(1986). In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSS/PC+ 8.0 version for windows program for statistical analysis, and was completed using frequencies analysis and repeated measures ANOVA. And finally, using reliability analysis(Cronbach`s α value).
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, the life satisfaction of health program participate before and after are different by socio-demographic variables.
Secondly, the life satisfaction of health program participate before and after are different.
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The Empirical Study on Globalization and Perception Progress of TaeKwonDo 스포츠사회학 : 태권도의 세계화와 인지도 향상에 관한 실증적 연구
38(1) 147-161, 1999
The Empirical Study on Globalization and Perception Progress of TaeKwonDo 스포츠사회학 : 태권도의 세계화와 인지도 향상에 관한 실증적 연구
1. Introduction
This study was planned for the scientific study about the people training or theaching TaeKwonDo all the corners of the earthly. Especially this paper is concerned with the following two issues; How do the foreign trainees evaluate the TaeKwonDo?, and Do they have the same thougth about TaeKwonDo training process, or not?
2. Research Method
For perception analysis, this research was employed with the qustionnaire. The questionnaire includes a set of written questions that TaeKwonDo trainees respond to directly on the form itself without the aid of an interviewer. Ratings were made on open form and a 5-point Likert scale - a measurement scale consisting of a series of statements follows by five response alternatives.
This study used cluster sampling. Five sample clusters were selected in the first stage to obtain a range of different types of trainees : North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. Then a sample of nations within selected continents was drawn and finally a total 1,600 trainees were randomly selected from within 18 nations, This sampling procedure resulted in usable return from 1,400(response rate of 87.5 percent).
Data analysis in this study was employed by SPSS/PC+. The general trends were found by frequency. The extents of difference by continents or social economic background were found by oneway ANOVA and multiple comparison test by Duncan test.
3. Findings and suggestions
The evidents of this study support the interesting results as below.
First, in average the world wide TaeKwonDo trainees evaluate trainers` leadership, training method, present rank system and equipments very positively. Over 90 percent of the subjects responded very positively,
Second, the results of the perception difference by survey regions are more interesting and instructive. There is an significant difference between survey regions- that is, trainees in Asia are estimated into a seperated and heterogeneous subset, judging from criteria of significant level 0.01.
Third, the results of the perception difference by various background indicate that there is a significant difference between social economic background, especially according to the age, and education level trainees are estimated into a seperated and heterogeneous subset, judging from criteria of significant level 0.01.
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A Study on the Social Network of Members in Sport Organization 스포츠사회학 : 체육행정 조직성원의 사회연결망에 관한 연구
38(1) 1662-1672, 1999
A Study on the Social Network of Members in Sport Organization 스포츠사회학 : 체육행정 조직성원의 사회연결망에 관한 연구
This study has its goals in ascertaining the relative influence between sport administrator and social network, and in elucidating the cause and effect relationship among the variables.
The present study took as its object adults presently in 1998 residing in Seoul and twenty years of age or older. Using a quota sampling method, we extracted 96 from public sports organization, 72 from non-profit sports centers and 72 from commercial sport centers. From our target sample of 240, excluding those who dropped out in the course of research or those questionnaires that were judged unreliable, the sample number used in actual analysis was 173 people.
The content of the questionnaire used for this research was made up of five questions concerning socio-demographic characteristics, six questions on participation in sport for all, thirteen questions on social network, for a total of 24 questions. The reliability and appropriateness of the questionnaire was confirmed based on pilot test, a meeting of specialists, a calculation of Cronbach`s α value and factor loading value used confirmatory factor analytic technique.
In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSWIN Version 7.5 program for statistical analysis, and was completed using frequencies, average comparative analysis, ANCOVA, correlation analysis, and path analysis utilizing multiple regression analysis, etc.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results.
The form of sports organization influences social network. In commercial organizations range of contacts and degree of closeness were highest while service and public organizations were the next highest.
The level of sport organization influences social network. In administrative organizations, compared to that of official and functional organizations, the range of contacts was highest.
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The Relationship among Participation in Sport , Leisure Flow Experience , and Leisure Boredom 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 참가와 여가몰입경험 및 여가권태의 관계
38(1) 173-182, 1999
The Relationship among Participation in Sport , Leisure Flow Experience , and Leisure Boredom 스포츠사회학 : 스포츠 참가와 여가몰입경험 및 여가권태의 관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze and examine the relationship among participation in sport, leisure flow experience, and leisure boredom, More specipically, this study was to examine the relationship among participation/non-participation in sport, leisure flow experience, and leisure boredom and also to investigate the relationship among the degree of participation in sport, leisure flow experience, and leisure boredom
Subjects of this study were sampled 397 adults lived in Seoul using the stratified cluster random sampling, the data collected questionnaire disigned for this study were consisted of responses to items constructed to represent each variable.
The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected datas are multiple classification analysis, analysis of covariance, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
First, participants in sport shows higher leisure flow experience than those of non-participants, and the frequency of participation in sport has a positive influence on leisure flow experience.
Second, participants in sport shows lower leisure boredom than those of non-participants, and the frequency and intensity of participation in sport has a negative influence on leisure boredom.
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A Sportsman Anomie and Adaptation Behavior and Deviation Behavior of Relation 스포츠사회학 : 운동선수의 아노미와 적응행동 및 일탈행동의 관계
최미란MiRanChoi , 이종영JongYoungLee
38(1) 183-194, 1999
A Sportsman Anomie and Adaptation Behavior and Deviation Behavior of Relation 스포츠사회학 : 운동선수의 아노미와 적응행동 및 일탈행동의 관계
최미란MiRanChoi , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this research is to provedly find out the relationship between adaptive behavior and deviant behavior according to anomie of athletes. This research which to achieve this purpose selected the 690 high school male-female fencing athletes who registered the K. A. F. A in 1997. A sampling abstraction drew a random sampling 250 athletes among selected 319 athletes.
The data-collecting method made use of anomie index which the Modern Society Association standardized sentences by translation anomie index ;invented by Srole(1956) and supplement-modified by Lee Min Kung(1996).
The data-analysis output the average and the standard deviation about the sub-factor of adaption behavior, deviant behavior and anomie of athletes according to speciality of demography. We use the Residual Analysis and Multiple Regression, and Path Analysis.
Drugs influences the confirmative behavior and the rebellious behaviour as the standard p<.001, in the deviant behavior of athletes-adaptive behavior`s type.
Finally, according to this research, athletes who experienced the anomie show escape as the adaptive behaviour. The escapism of the adaptive behaviour causes the unfairness of the deviant behaviour. We consider the negative thinking of adaptive behaviour as sports emotion, the affirmative thinking of deviant behaviour which is allowed in the sports will reduced the anomie.
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Mental States of Elite Athletes in Competition 스포츠심리학 : 경기 심리상태 조사연구2
38(1) 197-207, 1999
Mental States of Elite Athletes in Competition 스포츠심리학 : 경기 심리상태 조사연구2
Three hundred and six top-level(national level) athletes were surveyed with Metal States Questionnaire 1) to identify significant mental states of athletes in competition, which bears directly on sport performance and 2) to find out the differences of athletes` mental states as a function of gender, career, and sport type. Analyses of data revealed that 1) the major significant mental states of athletes in competition were feelings of somatic complaints, self-convincing positive thoughts, and self-skeptical negative thoughts; 2) no significant difference exited between male and female athletes in all mental states; 3) the self-skeptical negative thoughts were higher in score with the long-career athletes than the short-career athletes; 4) the self-skeptical negative thoughts were more prominent with athletes of personal and environmental standard sports than with athletes of normative standard sports. These results were interpreted and discussed in relation to coaching implications in competition.
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Relationship Between Sport Achievement Goal Orientation and Achievement Motivation 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 성취목표 지향과 성취동기의 관계
38(1) 208-221, 1999
Relationship Between Sport Achievement Goal Orientation and Achievement Motivation 스포츠심리학 : 스포츠 성취목표 지향과 성취동기의 관계
This study examined the relationship between sport achievement goal motivation and achievement motivation in a samples of 1,131 middle and high school athletes of 15 sports(738 males and 393 females).
Subjects responded to the SOQ(Sport Orientation Questionnaire) and SAI(Sport Attitudes Inventory) to measure achievement goal motivation and achievement motivation. Alpha coefficients of the two scales ranged from .6701 to .8465.
T-Test, Pearson correlation, one way -ANOVA, Trend analysis, and Canonical correlation analyses were employed as statistical methods for the purpose of this study.
Results from this study were as follow;
1. Male`s competitiveness and MAS(motive to achieve success) was higher, but MAF(motive to avoid failure) was lower than females`.
2. High school athletes` competitiveness, win orientation, MAS were higher than middle school athletes`.
3. Correlation of competitiveness and MAS, goal orientation and MAS were relatively high.
4. There are positive relations between achievement goal orientation and achievement motivation and the higher degree of achievement goal orientation, the higher level of achievement motivation.
5. Quadratic trend is more significant than linear trend in the change of achievement motivation according as the level of achievement goal orientation.
6. Canonical correlation between achievement goal orientation and achievement motivation variables was exhibited as positively high. Competitiveness and goal orientation of achievement goal orientation and MAS were represented as most significant variables to explain the relationship between achievement goal orientation and achievement motivation.
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The Effects of Physical Activity Therapy on the Mental Health of the Elderly Women 스포츠심리학 : 체육요법 프로그램이 노인들의 정신건강에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of physical therapy on the mental health of the elderly women. Subjects were 49 elderly women who were randomly divided into physical therapy group(24 females), control group(25 females).
In the physical therapy group, Subjects performed various of physical movement during 20 weeks, three-times a week and 60 minutes a day, Also, In the control group, Subjects were sitting comfortably in resting room during the experimental process. Grobach α index was used reliability of test tool using SAS program in dealing with the materials, two-way ANOVA was used to find out the difference between groups and pre-post according to mental health scale. The conclusion were as follows;
1. In the somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, phobic, psychoticism, there were significant difference between physical therapy group and control group.
2. In the paranoid ideation, hostility, there were no significant difference between physical therapy group and control group.
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Carbohydrate - Electrolyte Contained Drink Supplement on Exercise Performance and Blood Fatigue Induction Factors Change Following Intensive Endurance Running 스포츠생리학 : 탄수화물 전해질 음료의 섭취가 장시간 고강도 운동 수행과 혈중 피로요소들의 변화에 미치는 영향
38(1) 233-249, 1999
Carbohydrate - Electrolyte Contained Drink Supplement on Exercise Performance and Blood Fatigue Induction Factors Change Following Intensive Endurance Running 스포츠생리학 : 탄수화물 전해질 음료의 섭취가 장시간 고강도 운동 수행과 혈중 피로요소들의 변화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of three different methods(non supplement, water, and carbohydrate electrolyte(CE) drink) on exercise performance, plasma volume and physiological fatigue element(blood lactate, ammonia, inorganic phosphate, pH, and rectal temperature) changes by VO2max 85% treadmill exercise with dehydration. The subjects of the present study were 10 male college amateur soccer players who participated regularly in training programs for more than 10 hours per week. Each subject participated in four different exercise conditions; VO2max test, VO2max 85% test, VO2max 85% test with water supplement, and VO2max 85% test with CE drink supplement. All the experimental conditions were continued until subjects stopped because of fatigue. Exercise performance capacity was expected to improve most highly with the CE drink supplement. CE drink supplement increased plasma volume levels most highly after rehydration, exercise 15min after supplementation and recovery, but there were no significant differences among the supplement methods(p>.05). Blood lactate concentration levels were low during all times of CE drink supplement.
Especially, there were significant differences during the 15min after supplement and at the end of the exercise(p<.05). Also, there were significant differences in blood pH levels during exercise 15min after supplementation and at the end of exercise among the supplement methods(p<.05). Blood inorganic phosphate concentration levels were low during exercise and recovery periods in CE drink supplement. Similar to the blood inorganic phosphate concentration, the blood ammonia levels were the lowest in the CE drink supplement, and there were significant differences among the supplement methods(p<.05). As a response to the CE drink supplement, the rectal temperatures were significantly low from the beginning of the treatment to the end of exercise(p< .05). The heart rate patterns were low during all the time in CE drink supplement, but there were no significant differences among the supplement methods (p >.05).
In this study, the longest exercise performance time was the CE drink supplement condition. All the physiological fatigue element accumulations or change patterns in the CE drink condition were lower than that of water or non supplement conditions. This means that electrolyte and fluid replacement by the CE drink supplement helps with better maintenance of plasma volume and electrolyte concentration within the cell. This maintenance of cell homeostasis will provide stabilized metabolic processes in the cell and decreased fatigue induction factors accumulation.
Also, restored CHO may contribute to induce glycogen sparing, and improvement of the exercise performance. In conclusion, the CE drink supplement does not only increase exercise performance time, but also maintains cell homeostasis and delay fatigue occurrence during exercise. Therefore, CE drink supplement is the most efficient drink during 1-hour high intensive exercise in a warm environment.
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Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Phosphagen Energy System and Oxygen Transport Capacity in Rat Skeletal Muscle in Vivo Studied by 31P-NMR 스포츠생리학 : 장기간의 간헐적인 저압 저산소 노출이 흰 쥐의 하지근 인산에너지 대사 및 산소운반 능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 31P-NMR 연구
Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia on Phosphagen Energy System and Oxygen Transport Capacity in Rat Skeletal Muscle in Vivo Studied by 31P-NMR 스포츠생리학 : 장기간의 간헐적인 저압 저산소 노출이 흰 쥐의 하지근 인산에너지 대사 및 산소운반 능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 31P-NMR 연구
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of acclimatization to the hypobaric condition on energy metabolism in skeletal muscle of rat hindlimb using 31P NMR spectroscopy. Rats were exposed to the hypobaric condition of 462 mmHg 10 hours a day, 6 days a week for 6 months. Before, 3 months, and 6 months of the exposure the hindlimb muscle of the rats were examined by 31P NMR during exercise under 3 levels of oxygen availability< fractional concentration of inspired oxygen(F₁IO₂) of 0.5, 0.11, and 0.08 >. The same amount of submaximal exercise was loaded on each rat by electric stimulation of 2 ㎳, 17 V DC pulses at 1 ㎐. Phosphocreatine(PCr), inorganic phosphate(Pi), and the intracellular pH during exercise were used as indices of oxidative phosphorylation capacity in the muscle. At F₁IO₂ of 0.5 where the oxygen supply is not limiting the oxidative metabolism in the muscle there is no difference in the ratio of PCr/(PCr+Pi) or in the intracellular pH between the acclimatized and control rats at any time stage. This means that the 6 months of acclimatization to the hypobaric condition of 462 mmHg does not affect the oxidative capacity of the hindlimb muscle. On the other hand at F₁IO₂ of 0.08 the PCr/(PCr+Pi) ratio and the intracellular pH during the later stage of exercise and during recovery were significantly higher in the acclimatized rats than in the control rats after 6 months of exposure. Since the oxygen supply is obviously limiting the oxidative metabolism in the muscle at F₁IO₂ of 0.08, the above result suggests that the extent of limitation of oxidative capacity by a reduced oxygen supply under hypoxic condition is relieved in the acclimatized rats. This finding may be an explanation for the mechanism of the lactate paradox found in highland residents or trained people at high altitude.
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Effects of Caloric Restriction and Training Regimens on Body Composition , Serum Lipids 스포츠생리학 : 식이제한과 트레이닝 형태가 신체조성 , 혈청 지질에 미치는 영향
안용준YongJoonAhn , 장경태KyungTaeJang
38(1) 264-276, 1999
Effects of Caloric Restriction and Training Regimens on Body Composition , Serum Lipids 스포츠생리학 : 식이제한과 트레이닝 형태가 신체조성 , 혈청 지질에 미치는 영향
안용준YongJoonAhn , 장경태KyungTaeJang
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of caloric restriction and exercise training of four weeks on the body composition, serum lipids and lipoproteins profiles.. Thirtyfive obese college-age women participated in this study. Subjects were assigned to one of three groups(restricted diet(=900㎉) only:RD(n=12), restricted diet and aerobic training: RDA(n=12), restricted diet and circuit weight training: RDC(n=11)). The results and conclusion of this study were as follows: 1. Body weight, percent body fat, and fat weight were decreased in all groups. Fat-free weight was also decreased in RD and RDA group, but it was maintained and even showed a increase, in RDC group. 2. Total cholesterol(TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C), and triglycerides(PG) levels were significantly decreased in all group. However, TC/HDL-C ratio was not changed. The results of this study suggest that restricted diet with circuit weight training is more effective, in terms of body composition, than restricted diet alone or with aerobic training.
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Utilization Fermented Tea-Fungus beverage for the Sports drink 스포츠생리학 : 스포츠음료 개발을 위한 Tea-fungus 발효음료의 활용
This study was to perceive the importance of sports drink and to compare blood constituents before and after exercise, based on clinical effects.
As a part of basic study of industrial company thirty students with no diseases were asked for 8 weeks to take Tea-fungus fermented drink.
Which was provided by K F M Co., R&D Center and this company had accumulated and profound of fermenting and making Black Tea.
The results were these.
After taking Tea-fungus fermented beverage, the concentration of GOT, GPT, Showed no change at rest but it dropped a little shortly after exercise.
And glucose`s concentration significantly decreased(P<.001).
HDL-C, which was an element of blood serum lipid was significantly up at rest but it didn`t increased much after exercise.
As for TG, TC, LDL-C, they were significantly down both at rest and after exercise after the drink intake(P<.001).
Lactate in blood too significantly decreased after exercise, therefore, organic acid beverage intake during exercise turned out to be effective to prevent fatigue by muscular acidification so, it was considered to be helpful to recover quickly after exercise.
LDH, Creatinine and Uric acid decreased after taking the drink. To take in Tea-fungus fermented beverage containing highly-concentrated organic acid was thought which was not only to drop the concentration of lipid harmful to health, but also to help improve exercise performance, prevent and recover by diminishing lactate. To eat the beverage everyday which has a lot of organic acid such as plum extracts and fermented mushroom materials was considered to contribute to harden cells and blood as well as to improve exercise performance.
But many different exercise load conditions, comparative research with other sports drink and continuous clinical analysis on more subjects were expected to lead to more evident conclusion.
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The effects of caffeine administration on energy substrate utilization , hormone respones and exhaustion time during endurance exercise 스포츠생리학 : 카페인 투여가 지구성 운동중 에너지 기질 이용 , 호르몬 반응 및 운동 지속시간에 미치는 영향
The effects of caffeine administration on energy substrate utilization , hormone respones and exhaustion time during endurance exercise 스포츠생리학 : 카페인 투여가 지구성 운동중 에너지 기질 이용 , 호르몬 반응 및 운동 지속시간에 미치는 영향
The comparative analysis on the effect of energy substrate, hormone responses and exhaustion time
during endurance exercise through the administration of caffeine to athletes led to the following conclusion:
1. respiratory quotient was significantly lower in the group of caffeine administration than in water administration, the 40 and 45 minutes, free fatty acid concentration was significantly increased by caffeine.
2. Hormone responses showed no significant difference in each group
3. Exhaustion time in the administration of caffeine increased significantly longer than that in the administration of water by 5.80 minutes
From the above conclusion it was confirmed that the adminstration of caffeine stimulated fat oxidation and enlarged exhaustion time during endurance exercise. But it does not follow that the administration of caffeine directly stimulated fat oxidation and caused the sparing effect of glycogen. Therefore detailed studies are needed for the effect on the glycogen metabolism of muscle and liver.
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The Change of β-Endorphrine following Rapid Change of Emotion 스포츠생리학 : 급진적 정서 변화 후 베타 엔돌핀의 변화
38(1) 306-314, 1999
The Change of β-Endorphrine following Rapid Change of Emotion 스포츠생리학 : 급진적 정서 변화 후 베타 엔돌핀의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigated the change of β-endorphrine following physical stress(running on treadmill)and cognitive stress(riding on speedy train: roller coaster). Subjects were all 7 male students in NS university. Blood samples taken from antecubital vein at rest, post-0, and post-30min. of the treatment. All data was analyzed by repeated measurement analysis of GLM on SAS. The result were summarized as follows: 1. Changes of β-endorphrine on physical stress were showed significant increased at immediately after treatment, recovered to rest level at 30min. after treatment. 2. Changes of β-endorphrine on cognitive stress were showed also significant increase at immediately treatment, recovered to rest level at 30min. after treatment. 3. Changes of β-endorphrine were showed non significant differences between physical stress and cognitive stress. In conclusion, both of physical and cognitive stress can effected on changes of β-endorphrine. These results must retest by studying to relationship among immune system and emotion, β-endorphrine in future to explain the positive or negative effects on health.
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A Review on the Sports Anemia 스포츠생리학 : 스포츠 빈혈에 관한 문헌고찰
Anemia can be defined as that the hematocrit and the red blood cell count are reduced and the hemoglobin level is below the normal range. While the anemia appeared in athletes is referred to as sports anemia or exercise anemia, loss or breakdown of blood cells and suppression of blood cells and hemoglobin activities are the major causes of the anemia.
In normal adults, hemoglobin, ferritin, hemosiderin, myoglobin, and trasferrin are the diverse forms of iron. The basic functions of these are the production of oxygen transport compounds in the blood containing iron-protein complex, oxygen transport compounds in the muscle containing iron and ferritin, by-product after breakdown of excess ferritin, and hemoglobin after transported into the bone marrow.
Endurance exercise training may show anemia alike, since the training causes hemodilution increasing plasma volume. Female athletes, distance runners, or athletes who are required to control their body weight can show sports anemia quite often. Since the anemia leads a degradation of exercise performance and various subjective symptoms, a control of the anemia is important in improving athletes` performance and for their health management. The majority of sports anemia seems to be due to iron-deficiency. But the iron-deficient anemia, an involvement of hemolysis, and criteria for a diagnosis of the anemia are not always consistent.
The destruction of blood cells in the sports anemia can be seen while giving a repeated impact on the capillary blood vessels in planta pedis. And this often can be appeared during distance running and playing soccer, volleyball, basketball, hockey, taekwondo, and kendo, so that this hemolysis anemia is also called footstrike hemolysis.
The majority of the previous studies regarding the sports anemia show that the anemia is due to iron-deficiency. However, not all the studies agree that the iron-deficiency is the only reason to cause the anemia. Some evidences suggest that a excessive iron consumption may cause a suppression of absorption of trace minerals such as copper and zinc. Hence, for the prevention and prescription for the anemia, the iron deficiency and related problems have to be thoroughly understood. And a minor sports anemia may not be underestimated as to a adaptive progress of the athletes.
Especially for the athletes, the phenomenon and the detailed mechanisms regarding the hemolysis anemia have to studied, analyzed, and evaluated. In addition, preventive measures considering diverse variables such as a dietary composition, an usage of iron supplements, and sports specific training methods-exercise intensities and training programs-have to be reevaluated. The employment of this counter-measures will maximize athletes` performances and lead to an appropriate health management for the athletes.
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Effects of hyperoxia on blood fatigue elements during exercise 스포츠생리학 : 운동중 과산소 공급이 혈중 피로요인들에 미치는 영향
전유섭YuSubJun , 강명학MyongHackKang
38(1) 330-339, 1999
Effects of hyperoxia on blood fatigue elements during exercise 스포츠생리학 : 운동중 과산소 공급이 혈중 피로요인들에 미치는 영향
전유섭YuSubJun , 강명학MyongHackKang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three different oxygen supplement conditions(normal oxygen supplement[NOS], 15 minutes oxygen supplement[15OS], 30 minutes oxygen supplement[30OS]) in order to find blood fatigue elements(lactate, ammonia, phosphorous, and pH) during exercise.
The subjects of this experiment were soccer players of Sangi university team(n=5). All subjects participated in 30 minutes absolute intensity exercise which composed of 7% grade and 5 mile/h speed on a treadmill.
According to result, blood lactate levels of NOS was higher than that of different conditions at time of 15 minutes. 30OS was lower than that of different conditions at time of 30 minutes. But there was no statistical significance difference among three conditions(p>.05).
In blood ammonia, there was no significant differences at the time of 15 and 30 minutes between NOS and 30OS conditions(p>0.5), but there was lower blood ammonia level at the time of 15 and 30OS conditions.
Blood phosphorous levels of 30OS was lower than that of different conditions at the time of 15 minutes. NOS was higher than that of other conditions at time of 30 minutes. But there was no statistical significance at all measurement points(p>.05).
Also, blood pH levels was no significant difference in statistic among three conditions(p>.05).
In summary, it was considered that blood ammonia, phosphorous, and pH were not largely affected by hyperoxia during exercise. However, blood lactate concentration was affected by hyperoxia during exercise. Therefore, in this study, we will hope that scientific study should be designed by several variables, that is, elements of oxygen supplement method, exercise intensity, exercise duration, and individual physical fitness level and so on.
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A Study onthe Evaluation of Exericse Adaptive Ability through the Analysis of the Changes of Energy Substrate and Hormones following Maximal Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 최대운동후 회복기 혈중 에너지 대사물질 및 호르몬의 연속적 변화 분석을 통한 운동적응력 평가
38(1) 340-350, 1999
A Study onthe Evaluation of Exericse Adaptive Ability through the Analysis of the Changes of Energy Substrate and Hormones following Maximal Exercise 스포츠생리학 : 최대운동후 회복기 혈중 에너지 대사물질 및 호르몬의 연속적 변화 분석을 통한 운동적응력 평가
The purpose of this study was evaluation of exercise adaptive ability through the analysis of the changes of energy substrate and hormones following maximal exercise. The subject were 5 male athletes, 5 male physical education students on HY university. The protocol for exercise load was Bruce`s stress test protocol, all subjects were run from rest to all-out state progressively. Blood samples was drawn from antecubital vein by using catheter. Independent variables for the study were group and exercise conditions(rest, immediately exercise, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 20min after exercise), dependent value was energy substrate(blood glucose, lactate) and hormone(catecholamines, insulin, cortisol). All data were analyzed by repeated with ANOVA and Pearson`s product movement correlation on of SPSS, accepting level for all significances was above α=0.05. The following conclusion were made :
1. The changes of blood glucose following maximal exercise were no significant between group.
2. The changes of blood lactate following maximal exercise were significant between group (p<.05).
3. The changes of norepinephrine and cortisol following maximal exercise were significant between group(p<.05).
4. The changes of epinephrine and insulin following maximal exercise were no significant between group. This results suggested that exercise training can effect the changes of energy substrate and hormones releasing pattern.
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Body Composition , Iron Nutritional Status , and Anemia in the Female Gymnasts 스포츠생리학 : 여자체조선수들의 신체적 특성 , 철분 및 빈혈 관련 요인 분석
This study was conducted with 20 female gymnasts to evaluate iron nutritional status to examine the relationship of anthropometric values, diet, and hematological status. Fasting blood sample were taken and hemoglobin, hematocrit, and serum ferritin concentration were measured.
The results obtained are summarized as follows;
1. The female gymnasts had smaller stature(with average heights of 149.8㎝) and lighter weight(with average weight of 42.1㎏) than international elite gymnasts. The percent body fat of female gymnasts was 13.9% and similar with international elite gymnasts.
2. Energy intake of gymnasts was 968.9±421.4㎉, and energy expenditure was 2091.4±361㎉ showing negative energy balance(-1,122.5±534.6㎉). The average intakes of calcium, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin did not meet the Recommended Dietary Allowances for their age groups. Mean daily intake of total iron in the study was 5.2㎎. There was no significant correlation between anthropometric variables, nutritional status and hematological status.
3. Mean values for hemoglobin, hematocrit, and serum ferritin were 12.2±12g/㎗, 37.9±3.0% and 26.0±12.6ng/㎖. Prevalance of iron deficiency varied by indices from 40.0% when judged by hemoglobin, 20.0% by hematocrit and 20% by serum ferritin.
In recent years people have expressed concern over the effect of intensive sports training of young maturing bodies. Gymnastics has been one of those sports implicated by the medical profession as having probable detrimental effects. But most females gymnasts are in the poor nutritional status. The priorities were to prepare more effective nutrition education program and educational materials for athletes, coaches and administrators, to prepare guidelines for the team physicians and coaches to follow for the physical and physiological examinations of female gymnasts.
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A study on load characteristics in strength training methods 스포츠생리학 : 근력 트레이닝 방법의 부하특성에 관한 연구
최조연JoYeonChoi , 고인태InTaeKo
38(1) 365-373, 1999
A study on load characteristics in strength training methods 스포츠생리학 : 근력 트레이닝 방법의 부하특성에 관한 연구
최조연JoYeonChoi , 고인태InTaeKo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of load characteristics of two typical strength training methods known as power up type and bulk up type.
The main results were as follows ;
1. Duration and Fmean(Mean force) in a single motion maintained at the same level with all sets in the power-up type. But the duration became shorter and the Fmean at every 3rd set or overall view decreased with progressing sets in the bulk-up type. On the other hand, the power-up type showed longer duration and higher Fmean in a single motion than the bulk up type.
2. The averaged %mEMG(Ratio to mean EMG when maximal isometric strength) of m. rectus femoris, m. vastus medialis and m. vastus lateralis in the power-up type maintained at the same level as the mEMG of Isom. max(maximal isometric strength). However, the %mEMG at every 3rd set in the bulk-up type was declined, overall view of %EMG showed tendency of increasing. Especially, averaged %mEMG of three muscle regions of 7-9sets showed no difference between the two types of training method.
3. Fmean/%mEMG in the power-up type maintained at the same level as the same value of Isom. max. However, Fmean/%mEMG at every 3rd set or overall view in the bulk-up type decreased with progressing sets. On the other hand, the power-up type showed higher Fmean/%mEMG than the bulk-up type.
4. Blood lactate concentration in the power-up type showed gradual increase with progressing sets while that of the bulk-up type showed radical increase to 3rd and remained unchanged from 3rd to 9th set. On the other hand, blood lactate concentration level during exercise and recovery was higher in the bulk-up type than those of the power-up type.
The above results show that power-up type is an effective training method for utilizing large motorunit and bulk-up type is an effective training method for improving muscular endurance capacity.
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Analysis of Biomechanics in Forward somersault Nontwisting Platform dive 운동역학 : Nontwisting Platform Forward Somersault Dive 수행시 운동역학적 분석 - 도약시부터 최고정점구간을 중심으로 -
강신SinKang , 이종훈JongHunLee
38(1) 377-391, 1999
Analysis of Biomechanics in Forward somersault Nontwisting Platform dive 운동역학 : Nontwisting Platform Forward Somersault Dive 수행시 운동역학적 분석 - 도약시부터 최고정점구간을 중심으로 -
강신SinKang , 이종훈JongHunLee
This study investigated center of gravity(CG) displacement and velocity, angular velocity of the CG that occurred as the rotational requirement of nontwisting platform dives was increased. The result and conclusion are follows.
1. As with hip and knee flexion, smaller variability among diver occurred as the rotational requirement of nontwisting platform dives was increased
2. There is very little variation in ankle from the takeoff phase to takeoff the platform dives.
3. The whole body angle of lean is decreased by the rotational requirement of the dives.
4. It is apparent that CG height at takeoff becomes lower as the rotational demand are increased.
5. There is a tendency toward larger horizontal takeoff velocity with each pike somersault increment, however lead to a reduced vertical velocity at takeoff.
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The Study of Isokinetic Torque after Operation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury 운동역학 : 전 후방 십자인대 손상 흰쥐의 등속성 회전력에 관한 연구
The Study of Isokinetic Torque after Operation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Posterior Cruciate Ligament Injury 운동역학 : 전 후방 십자인대 손상 흰쥐의 등속성 회전력에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was not only to investigate the peak torque, percentage of peak torque to body weight and angle of peak torque in 60°/sec(muscular strength) but also to the total work and percentage of total work to body weight in 180°/sec(muscular power) and then to DR(deficit ratio), HQR(hamstring/ quadricep ratio) in both angular velocity. Sixteen patients of anterior cruciate ligament injury and posterior cruciate ligament injury were tested by isokinetic machine, Cybex 770.
1. In 60°/see the peak torque and percentage of peak torque to body weight of extensor and flexor in both right(ACL injury part) and left(normal part) legs of ACL group were significantly(p<.01) different, but angle of peak torque of this group was not significantly(p<.05) different. In 180°/sec the total work and percentage of total work to body weight of extensor in a right(ACL injury part) leg were significantly(p<.01) different, but the those of flexor in a right leg were not significantly(p<.05) different.
2. In 60°/sec the peak torque and percentage of peak torque to body weight of extensor and flexor in both right(PCL injury part) and left(normal part) legs of PCL group were significantly(p<.05, p<.01) different, but angle of peak torque of this group was not significantly(p<.05) different. In 180°/sec the total work and percentage of total work to body weight of extensor and flexor in a right(PCL injury part) leg were significantly(p<.05) different.
3. In 60°/sec the comparison result of the peak torque of extensor and flexor in ACL group and PCL group was not significantly(p<.05) different, but the percentage of peak torque to body weight in both groups was significantly(p<.01) different. And the angle of peak torque of these groups was not significantly(p<.05) different. 4. In 180°/sec the comparison result of the total work of extensor and flexor in ACL group and PCL group was not significantly(p<.05) different, but the percentage of total work to body weight in both groups was significantly(p<.01) different. And the angle of peak torque of these groups was not significantly(p<.05) different.
5. In 60°/sec the comparison result of the peak torque deficit ratios(DR) of extensor and flexor of left and right legs in ACL group and PCL group were significantly(p<.05, p<.01) different. In 180°/sec the comparison result of the total work deficit ratios of extensor in ACL group and PCL group was significantly(p<.01) different, but the those of flexor in both groups were not significantly(p<.01) different.
6. In 60°/sec the comparison result of the hamstring/ quadricep ratios(HQR) of extensor and flexor of a right(injury part) leg in ACL group and PCL group was not significantly(p<.05) different. The hamstring/ quadricep ratios(HQR) of extensor and flexor of left(normal part) legs in ACL group and PCL group was not significantly(p<.05) different. In 180。/sec the comparison result of the hamstring/ quadricep ratios(HQR) of extensor and flexor of a right(injury part) leg in ACL group and PCL group was not significantly(p<.05) different. The hamstring/ quadricep ratios(HQR) of extensor and flexor of a left(normal part) leg in ACL group and PCL group was not significantly(p<.05) different.
As a conclusion, the knee joint has a complex and a lot of joint. When One performed strength and power, these abilities were different due to functional ability by a structural injury. So As we will compose the knee rehabilitation care program, we must think the differentiation of ACL and PCL injury.
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A Study on the Kinematical Analysis of Throwing Motion in Pro Bowler 운동역학 : 프로 볼링선수 투구 동작의 운동학적 분석
The Purpose of this study is the provide basic data for bowlers by analyzing the kinematical variables of throwing motion to the male pro bowler using 3-dimensional image analysis method. This researcher took the pictures with a video camera, analyzed them using the Kwon 3D program. 1×4×2m control object installed to get a 3 dimensional space coordinates.
Results were as follows.
1. It was indicated that the trunk angle did not change left and right. Back and forth from stance to release motions of three subjects, and the average angle of trunk angle at the stance and that at the tabular side were 19.5° and 14.6° respectively, which showed they did not deviated from well-known range of forward direction, 15-20° and lateral direction 10-15°. Also the trunk angle of release motion was average 17.1° for thalamus side, 41.3° for tabular side.
2. It was indicated that the knee angle repeated the increase and decrease to a small degree from the first to the fourth phase, the average angle of left knee at the release motion, the sixth phase was 110.8°, which was higher than generally known 90°.
3. It was indicated that the average steps for the first, second, third, fourth and last phase were 25.4㎝, 50.1㎝, 70.9㎝ and 77.9㎝ and 85.3㎝ respectively and averagely slided distance was 121.6㎝, which gradually increased from the first step.
4. It was indicated that the center of gravity moved left and right, up and down, and hardly moved left and right, but straightly, and began to lower up and down from the first step and maintained the stability and consistency with its motion lowest at the release step.
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A study on the response dynamics of postural control 운동역학 : 자세조절 반응형태에 관한 연구
38(1) 418-436, 1999
A study on the response dynamics of postural control 운동역학 : 자세조절 반응형태에 관한 연구
It was suggested that the dynamic strategy of postural control defined by the interactive effects of task and environmental constraints requires a search for controllable parameters in relation to the organism-environmental interaction. It evidenced that the range of postural movements, in terms of both whole body linear and angular kinematics and the center of pressure motion is varied as a function of speed, physical dimension of base of support and instruction. It was shown that changes in task, experimental instruction and the magnitude of support surface force the subject to select the appropriate postural strategies in order to satisfy the task demands.
Six subjects were employed in this study and two video camera and a force plate form were used to collect kinematic and kinetic data during the experiment. The experiments were consisted of two sessions; First, subjects were asked to maintain the balance with respect to the anterior-posterior oscillation. Second, they change the physical dimension of base of support such as double leg, double leg on toe, single leg, and single leg on toe. The results obtained from this study were as follows:
1. There was a tendency to proportionally increase the actual average speed of the center of pressure motion in Y direction both for free and freeze conditions. The speed of free condition was greater than that of freeze condition.
2. The free condition showed a larger values in the maximum range of center of pressure for Y direction than that of freeze condition. The maximum range of center of pressure for X direction revealed about 30-40% of that for Y direction.
3. The area of center of pressure for free condition showed a greater value than that for freeze condition. The faster the speed the greater the area of center of pressure.
4. In a given speed condition, the angular range of motion for free condition was twice larger than that of freeze condition.
5. The linear motion of the head in Y direction was approximately three times as large as that of the hip joint. Also, the linear motion of the head for Y direction was larger during free condition than freeze condition.
6. There was a tendency to increase the area of the center of mass with the change of speed both for free and freeze conditions.
7. In terms of the mean area of the center of pressure as a function of the base of support, the reduction of the base of support both for frontal(Y) direction(transition from flat footed to toes) and lateral(X) direction(transition from double leg stance to single leg stance) considerably increased the area of the center of pressure.
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Changes of isokinetic strengths and muscle morphological characteristics for 8week Elasticity Resistance Training 운동역학 : Tubex 탄성저항과 Spring 탄성저항의 장기적응 운동시 근힘 - 속도 , 근지구력 및 근특성변화 비교연구
38(1) 437-450, 1999
Changes of isokinetic strengths and muscle morphological characteristics for 8week Elasticity Resistance Training 운동역학 : Tubex 탄성저항과 Spring 탄성저항의 장기적응 운동시 근힘 - 속도 , 근지구력 및 근특성변화 비교연구
Elasticity resistance training(ERT) is popular in the improvement of muscular power. The aim of this study was to investigate whether ERT affected leg isokinetic strength and muscle morphological characteristics. Two kinds of ERT such as rubber resistance (Tubex Group; TG) and metal resistance (Metal Spring Group; MSG) were tested for 8-week. The isokinetic strength at the speed of 60。/s, 180。/s, and 240。/s were measured at the Cybex pre to and post 8-week training of either TG or MSG..
Isokinetic leg peak-torque at the speed of 60。/s and 180。/s of TG and MSG were significantly improved(p<.05). Isokinetic leg endurance at the speed of 240。/s of TG and MSG were significantly improved. However, There was no interaction between MSG and TG. At the results of muscle biopsy, the area of all muscle fiber were significantly increased after either TG or MSG with the increase in isokinetic strengths. The diffusion area per capillary was significantly increased at all muscle fibers. Although isokinetic muscle endurance was significantly improved, the diffusion area per capillary was reversely increased.
Therefore, the results of the current study were indicated that both TG and MSG significantly affect the improvement of either isokinetic strength and endurance. There was on interaction between TG and MSG.
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Analysis of Selected Spatial and Temporal Parameters In 100-M Wheelchair Sprinting
Woen Sik Chae
38(1) 451-459, 1999
Analysis of Selected Spatial and Temporal Parameters In 100-M Wheelchair Sprinting
Woen Sik Chae
The purposes of this study were to develop a 2-dimensional panning technique to determine selected spatial and temporal parameters over an entire 100-m wheelchair race and to evaluate selected stroking characteristics during the initial (first 10 m), maximum speed and final (last 10 m) phases of the race. One T4 (functional upper extremities, abdominal and lower back muscles) wheelchair racer served as the subject. Two S-VHS camcorders (60 fields/s) were panned horizontally to cover the first and second 50 m of the 100-m race, respectively. A special videographic technique was used to obtain the locations of the wheelchair relative to the start line at the instants of hand contact and release. The 100-m average speed was 5.96 m/s. The subject attained his maximum speeds (7.45 m/s) at the 65.7 m mark. The average speed in the final phase was 7.31 m/s. The average stroke length and frequency in the initial, maximum speed, and final phases were 1.56, 3.88, and 3.87 m, and 1.82, 1.92, and 1.89 ㎐, respectively. The data suggest that the slight decrease in speed toward the end of the race was attributed to the slight decrease in stroke frequency. When comparing to the able-bodied 100-m race, wheelchair racers reached their maximum speeds later and could maintain greater percentage of their maximum speeds toward the end of the race than their able-bodied counterparts.
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Three Dimensional Net Nuscle Activity Patterns during the Roundhouse Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 돌려차기시 근활동 모양에 관한 3차원적 분석
황인승InSeongHwang , 이성철CheolSungLee
38(1) 460-476, 1999
Three Dimensional Net Nuscle Activity Patterns during the Roundhouse Kick in Taekwondo 운동역학 : 태권도 돌려차기시 근활동 모양에 관한 3차원적 분석
황인승InSeongHwang , 이성철CheolSungLee
The roundhouse kicks in taekwondo of eight high school players were filmed using the Direct Linear Transformation method of three-dimensional cinematography. Obtained coordinate data and the model developed using Cardan angles and Euler`s Equation were used to calculate the joint torques exerted on the kicking leg segments(the thigh, the shank and the foot).
The Cardan angles between the two embedded axes of the two connected segments was used to define the anatomical motions of the segments. The anatomical motions and the joint torques of the segments were analyzed to determine the net muscle activity pattern. The findings indicated that the eccentric activities of the antagonists were primarily responsible for this kick movement. Such antagonists activities were more apparent on the shank than that on the thigh.
Based on these finding, it can be tell that the muscle activities of the proximal segments activate the movement by the agonist at the beginning stage while the muscle activities of the distal segments control the movement by antagonist except the joints which have small range of motion or stiff joints like ankle.
So the coaches have to emphasize the movement of the prime proximal segment, trunk, which activate this kicking movement and the control of the remained segments can be achieved naturally by the repeated training.
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An analysis of the level of recognition on physical education purpose concept to type of physical trainings of middle school students 스포츠교육학 : 중학생 실기종목의 체육목표 인지도에 관한 분석
김귀봉GuiBongKim , 김승빈SeungBinKim
38(1) 479-493, 1999
An analysis of the level of recognition on physical education purpose concept to type of physical trainings of middle school students 스포츠교육학 : 중학생 실기종목의 체육목표 인지도에 관한 분석
김귀봉GuiBongKim , 김승빈SeungBinKim
The aim of this study is to analyze the difference of the recognition level on physical education purpose concepts between boy students and girl students at each type of physical trainings and the recognition level on each type of physical trainings at the elements of physical education purpose concept to verify the level of recognition to the aim of physical education at many different types of physical trainings of middle school students based on Purpose Process Curriculum Framework.
On the basis of the analyzed data, the conclusions were following.
1. The level of recognition on physical education purpose concept between boy students and girl students at each type of physical trainings.
In field and track boy students have higher level of recognition on physical education purpose concept than girls. Physiological efficiency was highly recognized by boy students, but group interaction was highly recognized by girl students. In gymnastics, soccer, and badminton boys have a higher rating of recognition level than girls. Boys and girls are all highly recognizing physical education purpose concept on spatial orientation. In volleyball, basketball boys have higher level of recognition, but girls have higher one in dancing. Boys are highly recognizing physical education purpose concept on spatial orientation, but girls have higher level of recognition on group interaction. In swimming boys have higher level of recognition than girls. Psychical equilibrium is highly recognized by boys, but physiological efficiency is recognized by girls. In handball boys have high level than girls. Group interaction is recognized by boys, but spatial orientation is recognized by girls. In Taekwondo boys are highly recognizing physical education purpose concept. Boys have higher level of recognition on spatial orientation and girls have higher level of recognition on cultural involvement.
2. The level of recognition on each type of physical trainings at the elements of physical education purpose concept
The soccer, badminton and swimming, physiological efficiency purpose is highly recognized. There was meaningful difference between badminton and handball, soccer and handball on psychical equilibrium purpose element. And it was highly recognized in soccer, badminton, swimming. In soccer, badminton, and gymnastics spatial orientation purpose element is highly recognized. There was meaningful difference on object manipulation purpose element between basketball and swimming, gymnastics and swimming, soccer and swimming, soccer and dancing. And object manipulation is highly recognized in soccer, gymnastics, and basketball. On communication purpose element, there was meaningful difference between badminton and handball. And it is highly recognized in soccer, badminton, basketball. On group interaction purpose element, there was meaningful difference between soccer and Taekwondo. And it is highly recognized in soccer, basketball and badminton. Cultural involvement purpose element is highly recognized in soccer, basketball, and taekwondo.
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Quantatative Analysis of Dance Teaching Process through the use of " Category Lists of Dance Teacher Behavior " 스포츠교육학 : 무용교수법 관찰지 개발을 위한 예비연구 - 교사의 교육언어적 범주 코딩지 개발 -
38(1) 494-504, 1999
Quantatative Analysis of Dance Teaching Process through the use of " Category Lists of Dance Teacher Behavior " 스포츠교육학 : 무용교수법 관찰지 개발을 위한 예비연구 - 교사의 교육언어적 범주 코딩지 개발 -
In systematic studies of human behavior it is necessary to compose a list of observable behavioral items defined in terms of their motor and verbal patterns. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to discuss the development of the category system for dance teacher behaviors. It is hoped that such development will facilitate not only the prediction and control of teaching behavior, but also generate a better understanding of the dance teaching process itself. In order to identify and tabulate observable dance teacher behaviors it was necessary to informally observe and record the behaviors of many dance teachers over time and over several styles, such as ballet, modern dance, Korean dance, and folk dances. It was then necessary to reduce this collected data to a manageable list and finally to assign labels and groupings. The scientific study of the dance teaching process has long needed an observation and encoding system whereby dance teacher behaviors can be objectively and precisely identified, recorded, and analyzed. Integral to such a system is a well-defined list of those behaviors displayed by the teacher which directly and indirectly influence the teaching-learning process.
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The Effect of the Technological Approach Method of Constructive Tutoring Model on the Physical Fitness Factors and Motor Fitness Enhancement of Learners 스포츠교육학 : 구성주의 교수 - 학습 모형하의 공학적 접근방법이 학습자의 체력효소와 운동기능 향상에 미치는 영향
천길영KilYoungChun , 이표상PyoSangLee
38(1) 505-518, 1999
The Effect of the Technological Approach Method of Constructive Tutoring Model on the Physical Fitness Factors and Motor Fitness Enhancement of Learners 스포츠교육학 : 구성주의 교수 - 학습 모형하의 공학적 접근방법이 학습자의 체력효소와 운동기능 향상에 미치는 영향
천길영KilYoungChun , 이표상PyoSangLee
The purpose of this study was to increase the motor fitness of learner using the many physical fitness training and multimedia, technological approach methods of constructive tutoring model to enhance the motor fitness of middle school students through the physical fitness development, making the instruction learning alternative of middle school athletic curriculum.
In the physical education, to testify the multimedia learning effect in the constructive tutoring model, the object of this research was divided into three experimental groups(A, B, C) which consist of 30 students, selected in the first grade of middle school and three classes; Group A was treated experimentally the multimedia learning and the physical fitness training, Group B, the physical fitness training, and Group C, the traditional tutoring model.
The following conclusions have been drawn from the results attained in this study
1. The Paired Sample t-test and the Turkey test of One-way ANOVA on each group were performed and the results were significant.
2. Group A have attained the highest performance in Muscle Power, Muscular Endurance, Agility and Flexibility.
3. The difference among the three groups were significant.
According to the results, it was found that the application of multimedia learning in the constructive tutoring model was effective, to enhance the motor fitness of general physical education through the step by step instruction.
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A study on volleyball serve of middle - school students 스포츠교육학 : 중학생의 배구 서브 타법에 관한 연구
38(1) 519-531, 1999
A study on volleyball serve of middle - school students 스포츠교육학 : 중학생의 배구 서브 타법에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of overhand topspin serve and backspin serve of the 7 middle school students(male 279-topspin 187, slice 92, female 267-topspin 92, slice 175). Throwing throwing ability test using softball(wt. 180g, rad. 9.5㎝) assessed firstly, and then research procedures consisting of 3 pre-test, serve instruction(1 hour), 3 post-test for topspin and slice serve techniques was arranged respectively. All variables consists of 3 service times score, success count(more than 1 point per each trial equal to 1 success), criteria pass(more than 3 point of total score equal to pass, less than 3 point give to fail). Through data processing using SPSS Statistic Package descriptives for all variables, Pearson correlation coefficient, two-way repeated analysis of variance were calculated.
The results of this study were as follows:
1. In both sex, significant improvement in the total score of topspin and slice serve techniques were found(p<0.001). Especially in female, as significant difference between two serve wad showed, backspin serve is more easy to learn.
2. Significant differences(p<0.001) between pre and post-teaching in the success count of male students were found, but not found between topspin and backspin serve. In female students, significant difference between topspin and slice serve techniques was found, it gives meaning of the effectiveness of backspin serve technique(p<0.05).
3. In criteria pass, significant difference between topspin and backspin serve were found. It appeared backspin serve was easy to serve over the net.
4. Throwing ability was significantly related with serve outputs expressed by success count(p<0.001). So More far one throw, more successfully one serve.
4. Significant relevance of throwing ability and criteria pass were found in both serve techniques, especially it appeared they served ball successfully by backspin serve technique.
In conclusion, it recommended that physical education teacher instructing volleyball should teach overhand backspin serve technique for both sex students. Also as throwing ability was related with serve results, it recommended that students practice throwing before learning serve.
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스포츠행정 경영 : Forecasting Major League Baseball attendance using panel data
38(1) 535-544, 1999
스포츠행정 경영 : Forecasting Major League Baseball attendance using panel data
The primary purpose of this study was to empirically develop forecasting models for baseball attendance using panel data. Although professional baseball teams are concerned about increasing the fan base, there is no commonly acceptable forecasting model. This study identified and tested four forecasting models depending on the predictors. The dependent variables are average home attendance and its three transformations. Predictors were considered according to the four categories selected on the basis of previous research and data availability: management, demographic, baseball, competition or substitution factor. The models were developed using the panel data of selected Major League Baseball teams (LA, Philadelphia, Houston, Cincinnati, Baltimore) from 1975 to 1992. The predictability of each model was tested for the period from 1993 to 1995. The results suggests two alternative forecasting models, whose predictors are overal winning percentage, per capita income, strike, winning the World Series Championship in the previous year. The managerial implications and the future research direction were discussed.
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The Improvement of Team Event Match Pattern for the National Sports Meet and the National Children's Sport's Meet 스포츠행정 경영 : 전국체육대회 전국소년체육대회 단체종목 대진표 개선안
38(1) 545-558, 1999
The Improvement of Team Event Match Pattern for the National Sports Meet and the National Children's Sport's Meet 스포츠행정 경영 : 전국체육대회 전국소년체육대회 단체종목 대진표 개선안
The purpose of this study was to suggest a new match model toward the 7-day game schedule for college, general and high school sections and toward the 4-day schedule for the National Children`s Sports Meet and middle school section, by making an analysis of ream event match schedule for seven single-sex events included in the National Sports Meet and the National Children`s Sport`s Meet: soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, handball, Rugby football and field hockey.
For implementing the purpose, an investigation was made into how many teams joined in each event of the seven in the 1998 National Sports Meet and the 1998 Nation Children`s Sports Meet, how many days were spent for each round, how many teams lost a game in each round, and how many games were held for each event. And, the total number of games that were respectively held by the following five match pattern was examined tournament, league, league-tournament, tournament-league and repechage, As a result, following new game pattern was mapped out
First, the match pattern must be developed appropriately to be suitable for the 7-day National Sports Meet.
Second, the match pattern also must be developed properly to fit for the 4-days National Children`s Sports Meet.
Third, the single-sex teams that go into main match of the National Sports Meet shall the same total number of game, regardless the sorts of event.
Fourth, the single-sex teams of middle school section that reach the main of the National Children`s Sports Meet shall have the same total number of games, regardless the sorts of event.
Fifth, a team that reaches the finals shall have four games or less.
Sixth, it shall be allowed to hold a lottery, considering the characteristics of sports.
To realize the new match pattern, I proposed the 12 team-quarterfinal would be appropriate for the schedule of high school section and of the National Children`s Sports Meet`s team events, considering the principle of equitv against the current preliminary march of 8 team-quarterfinal for college and general sections.
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A Empirical Study on the Service Quality of Commercial Sport Facility 스포츠행정 경영 : 상업 스포츠센터의 서비스 품질에 대한 실증적 연구
김범식BeomSigKim , 정영남YoungNamChung
38(1) 559-568, 1999
A Empirical Study on the Service Quality of Commercial Sport Facility 스포츠행정 경영 : 상업 스포츠센터의 서비스 품질에 대한 실증적 연구
김범식BeomSigKim , 정영남YoungNamChung
This study is for service quality measurement in commercial sport facilities and establish strategy for raising customer satisfaction rate in commercial sport facilities. For this purpose, Firstly I study theoretical side of quality and service quality measuring methods and evaluated them. Secondly I study service quality measuring methods used in commercial sport facilities. The population was the customers who are belonging to the commercial sport facilities in Kyung gi province as of 1998. Sampling was made according to the stratified random method. The participants in the questionnaire were 200, but the data for actual analysis included 157.
Research instruments were created based on the 5 factors of SERVQUAL(service quality measurement) model(1988.9. Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry) and simplified the service quality of commercial sport center. This research instruments pretested and proved that contain content validity and reliability.
The adapted statistics analysis methods were Two-way ANOVA(Tukey HSD) and Multiple Regression Analysis(Enter).
This study is consists of empirical investigations on the relationship of customer satisfaction & service quality in using commercial sport facilities as follows.
(1) commercial sport facilities as a service industry and customer satisfaction.
(2) the relationship of customer satisfaction & service quality in using commercial sport facilities, and then browsing in the data on ten measurements used in Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry`s Servqual models as service marketing studies.
(3) theoretical survey on service quality evaluation in using commercial sport facilities.
Their service traits are intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability, and subjectivity in addition. Service quality make up five factors(tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy) and these factors are measurements to evaluate service quality.
Utilizing these elements in developing service quality evaluation item, the evaluation item model according to each dimension & definition plays a key role in evaluating commercial sport facilities` service quality.
Results of enter multiple regression analysis are that most important factor influence of the customer total satisfaction with BETA was assurance(0.309) and tangibles(0.249) reliability(0.126), responsiveness(0.017), empathy(0.012) Conclusions of this study are as following
First, Service quality evaluation or supply of high-quality services in an affective strategy for service goods positioning on the market.
Second, The customer total satisfaction program are more necessary to membership commercial sport facilities.
Third, To promote efficiency commercial sport facilities satisfaction strategy is mainly improvement assurance factor.
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Exploring To The Direction of Korean Sport under " IMF " Economic Crisis 스포츠행정 경영 : IMF 체제하 한국 스포츠의 방향 모색에 관한 연구
김숙영SukYoungKim , 원영신YoungShinWon , 정희준HeeJunJueng
38(1) 569-578, 1999
Exploring To The Direction of Korean Sport under " IMF " Economic Crisis 스포츠행정 경영 : IMF 체제하 한국 스포츠의 방향 모색에 관한 연구
김숙영SukYoungKim , 원영신YoungShinWon , 정희준HeeJunJueng
This study attempts to locate a measure to overcome so-called IMF Economic "Crisis" in Korean sport world with a sociological aspect. Current sport crisis in Korea comes from the history in which sport has been exploited as a means to achieve the political ideology with the help of the economic forces. To remove pervasive problems utilize the concept of sport. Current sport should go a forward Civil sport. Civil sport indicates that various institutions in sport should walk away from the political and economic dominance and move toward achieving their voluntary, independent status.
In an attempt to overcome current crisis. first, an excessive effort on elite sport should be lessened and the focus should be on to autonomous sport clubs. in this way it is possible to relate "quality of life" with vast majority of people. Second, sport organizations in Korea should be revitalized as organization independent from the political and economic forces. Third, professional and amateur teams should have new concepts in operating their organization. Teams should not be considered as a means to just raise the image of the mother-company, and change for the conceptual structure in operating sport team is needed. In Korea, too, they have to pursue profit.
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Service Quality , Consumer Satisfaction and Purchasing Intent : A Study of Woman Consumers at Public Sports Facilities 스포츠행정 경영 : 공공스포츠시설 여성소비자의 서비스 질 , 소비자 만족 , 구매의도간의 관계
김숙자SookJaKim , 허현미HyunMiHeo
38(1) 579-587, 1999
Service Quality , Consumer Satisfaction and Purchasing Intent : A Study of Woman Consumers at Public Sports Facilities 스포츠행정 경영 : 공공스포츠시설 여성소비자의 서비스 질 , 소비자 만족 , 구매의도간의 관계
김숙자SookJaKim , 허현미HyunMiHeo
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between consumer satisfaction and purchasing intent, two concepts related to service quality. Beginning in 1997, subjects for this study were drawn from woman consumers using public sports facilities in Seoul. Five facilities were randomly sampled producing 677 subjects, all adult women over the age of twenty who had been using the sports facilities for more than one month. In terms of methodology, a questionnaire was employed as the instrument of survey.
The questionnaire, Service Quality Scale of Public Sports Facilities, was drafted by Heo Hyun-mi in 1997. This questionnaire acted as a model for evaluating service quality which was gleaned through twenty-four descriptive questions used in both the pilot and principal tests. The researcher personally visited each of the facilities and explained the purpose of this study whereas the questionnaires themselves were completed by self-administration. Responses which were judged to be poor and unreliable were discarded for the sake of proper data analysis. Data retrieved from these questionnaires was entered into a computer and both a correlation analysis and path analysis were conducted using the SAS software package.
Results showed that a high correlation existed with respect to service quality between consumer satisfaction and purchasing intent. In particular, it was found that there was a strong relationship between service quality and consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, as a result of the path analysis, service quality was found to be the antecedent of consumer satisfaction, revealing that service quality exerted a greater effect on purchasing intent than consumer satisfaction.
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A Study about Activation Method of Physical Education by Sports Marketing 스포츠행정 경영 : 스포츠 마케팅 전략을 통한 체육의 활성화 방안
The purpose of this study was to provide activation method of physical education on actual state of physical education by sports marketing. The subjects for this study were composed of male and female over 20 years old, residing in Pusan and Kyungnam. For this study, the total subjects of 1,500(116 subjects were drawn for finding out the actual state of management of the commercial sports center and 898 subjects were draw for finding out the actual state of amateur club activity) were utilized by the questionnaire. The questionnaire of this study was constructed by the researcher based on the questionnaire made by the National Council of Sport for All(1994), self-estimation.
The Chi-square was utilized as the statistical method and the level of significance was α=.05.
The results were as follows ;
1. The base of sport for all should be achieved through the activation of school club activities.
2. The school and public physical education facilities should be opened and enlarged, enabling more people to exercise more easily.
3. Physical education developing fund should be distributed more to the physical education amateur club or the ordinary people`s physical education development.
4. The activation of sport for all could be done by placing more qualified professional physical director in each commercial sports center or work sports center.
5. Among many programs to develop ordinary people`s health, the most favorite health promotion program should be more developed and spread actively.
6. Many people should be made to participate in life physical activities and use the facilities of physical education by announcing them regularly in detail through the public benefit advertisement on TV and radio.
7. The effect of commercial sports center operation should be reconsidered. By giving them several benefit in finance and administration including tax, it could be expected to supplement the insufficient parts of public facilities.
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Marketing Strategies For Aerobic Program Consumers : A Practical Approach to Involvement Profiles 스포츠행정 경영 : 여성 에어로빅 프로그램 참가자의 관여도프로파일과 마케팅전략
38(1) 609-620, 1999
Marketing Strategies For Aerobic Program Consumers : A Practical Approach to Involvement Profiles 스포츠행정 경영 : 여성 에어로빅 프로그램 참가자의 관여도프로파일과 마케팅전략
There has long been interest among leisure and sport researchers regarding the continued participation of individuals in recreational sport activities. Level of involvement has emerged as a key variable in understanding an individual`s continued participation in sport and leisure activities. This study investigated whether meaningful market segments could be achieved using the involvement profile scale in the context of aerobic activity. Using the purposive sampling method, participants of aerobics were surveyed in a non-profit sport center in Seoul, Korea. Questionnaires were handed out on-site by the researcher. A total of 194 questionnaires were distributed and 174 usable questionnaires were included in the analyses. Factor analysis revealed similar involvement profiles factor structures to those reported in previous sport and leisure research. Factor 1 is named importance-pleasure and made up of a mixture of items which refer to the importance and pleasure of aerobic program, accounting for 36% of the variance. Factor 2, self-expression, comprised items that reflect desires to express self-image. It accounted for 10% of the variance. The third factor, risk, was comprised of those items emphasizing the risk probability and risk consequence, accounting for 8% of the variance. That is, an individual`s involvement with aerobic activities is best represented as an involvement profile consisting of three subdimensions; importance-pleasure, self-expression, and risk. Cluster analysis of involvement factor scores revealed three distinctive involvement markets. However, it was found that socio-demographic variables were not useful for differentiating among involvement-based clusters of aerobic participants surveyed in this study. Consumer involvement clearly has implications relative to the consumer decision-making process and marketing strategies developed based on this process. Differentiated marketing strategies must be developed and provided in a different manner to customers who vary in the levels and types of involvement. This study provides insight into both the nature of the involvement construct and how it might be used in future marketing research.
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The Relationship between Sports Activity and Organizational Effectiveness in the Enterprise Organization 스포츠행정 경영 : 기업조직구성원의 스포츠활동과 조직유효성의 관계
38(1) 621-634, 1999
The Relationship between Sports Activity and Organizational Effectiveness in the Enterprise Organization 스포츠행정 경영 : 기업조직구성원의 스포츠활동과 조직유효성의 관계
The aim of this dissertation is to make it clear that there is some meaningful correlation between sports activities and organizational effectiveness in the enterprise organizations. In order to do that, I mad use of the young generation of under 35 years old as the subject group who have experienced so much change of social value system among the organization members of enterprises and who have strong desire for the better quality of individual life. In this dissertation, I used the sports activity(frequency, time duration, accessibility, flow experience) as independent variables, the group cohesiveness and the organizational committment as parameters and finally the organizational effectiveness (job satisfaction, turnover intention) as dependent variables.
The subject group of this research is 546 persons who are doing mainly office work in the enterprises in the areas of Seoul and Suwon. They were asked to answer the questionnaires about their sports activities, group cohesiveness, organizational committment, job satisfaction and turnover intention according to the self-estimation method. The collected data were analyzed by the Pearson correlated method (one of the subordinate programs of SAS), ANOVA and the stepwise regression method.
The following conclusions were made from the analyses of the correlation between the sports activities and the organizational effectiveness.
First, the accessibility of sports participation and the flow experience among the variables of sports activities have meaningful influence on the group cohesiveness. These variables have the negative(-) correlation with the group cohesiveness and the sports participation accessibility has the negative(-) correlation with the participation frequency.
Second, in the relationship between the sports activities and the organizational committment, there was some meaningful correlation between the sports participation accessibility and the flow experience. It showed the negative(-) correlation.
Third, in the relationship between sports activity and organizational effectiveness, job satisfaction showed meaningful correlation with the sports participation frequency and the time duration among variables of the sports activities.
Fourth both the group cohesiveness and the organizational committment had meaningful correlation with the job satisfaction among the variables of the organizational effectiveness. As for the turnover intention, the desirability of turnover had negative(-) correlation with the group cohesiveness but positive correlation(+) with the organizational committment. The stronger the group cohesiveness was, the lower the turnover rate was. The lower the organizational committment was the higher the turnover rate was. As for the correlation between job satisfaction and the variables of turnover, there was meaningful positive(+) correlation between the desirability of turnover and the easiness of turnover.
In conclusion, the sports activities have either direct influence on the organizational effectiveness or indirect influence on the organizational effectiveness through some other organizational variables.
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Current status and problems of the public sport facilities in South Korea 스포츠행정 경영 : 공공체육시설의 현황과 문제점 : 능률성 , 효과성 , 형평성을 중심으로
송광태KwangTaeSong , 허현미HynMiHeo , 안민석MinSeokAhn
38(1) 635-647, 1999
Current status and problems of the public sport facilities in South Korea 스포츠행정 경영 : 공공체육시설의 현황과 문제점 : 능률성 , 효과성 , 형평성을 중심으로
송광태KwangTaeSong , 허현미HynMiHeo , 안민석MinSeokAhn
Sport facility is a major factor to provide the opportunity that the mass is involved with sport. Especially, while more people spend more time for the physical activity, public sport facility should be fully established in both of the quality and the quantity. It is time to analysis how the public facility South Korea is going on.
The purpose of this study is to exam the current status of the public sport facilities, then is to investigate the significant problems within them. This study analyzes the status and problems on the public sport facilities based on efficiency, effectiveness and equity. By utilizing those three criterions, the study separates and evaluates the way of management, the application of the facilities, the equity of the facilities, the fiscal management of the facilities and the management of the facilities. Finally, the paper suggests following research to reform problems in the public sport facilities.
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The Effect of the Service Environment of the Leports Facility on Price Acceptance and Perceived Service Quality 스포츠행정 경영 : 레포츠시설 서비스환경이 가격수용과 지각된 서비스품질에 미치는 영향
오정영ChungYongOh , 강진형JinHyongKang , 김학신HakShinKim
38(1) 648-654, 1999
The Effect of the Service Environment of the Leports Facility on Price Acceptance and Perceived Service Quality 스포츠행정 경영 : 레포츠시설 서비스환경이 가격수용과 지각된 서비스품질에 미치는 영향
오정영ChungYongOh , 강진형JinHyongKang , 김학신HakShinKim
A reliable survey research on the service environment of the leports facility can provide important suggestions for the marketing strategy by enabling the identification of consumers` price acceptance and their pattern of perceived service quality. For this reason, the segmented service quality and pricing strategy appropriate to the target group can be very affectively used.
The sample of 353 questionnaires was used for the actual analysis of this study.
The questionnaire items whose construct validity and reliability were tested through previous studies(Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1994; Dawer & Parken, 1994; Cho Sun-bae, 1995; Kim Hak-shin, 1998) were used in this study.
Because the Cronbach`s α coefficient was located between .729-.923 to confirm whether the combination of attributes within the category of the question factor had its internal consistency, it showed a power(cumulative proportion of variance) of the factors sampled to present the validity of the entire item showed the high validity of 72.3%. The effect of the service environment on price and perceived service quality was presented through multiple regression analysis.
As a result, it was found that the service environment of the leports facility had a great effect on consuming users` price fairness and acceptability(p < .000).
As to the factors of the service environment, the sense of sympathy (p < .000) was shown to be highest, followed by atmosphere (p < .005) and design (p < .021).
It was shown that the service environment of the leports facility had a high effect on perceived service quality (p < .001), followed by a sense of sympathy (p < .000), design (p < .001), price (p < .000) and atmosphere (p < .003).
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The Driving Task and Practical plan in The Exchange of Sports between South Korea and North Korea 스포츠행정 경영 : 남북체육교류의 추진과제와 실천방안
38(1) 655-667, 1999
The Driving Task and Practical plan in The Exchange of Sports between South Korea and North Korea 스포츠행정 경영 : 남북체육교류의 추진과제와 실천방안
In this study I`d like to examine that why North Korea rejects South-North Sports Conference, and what the solution is in the exchange of sports between South Korea and North Korea. It is considered that the exchange of sports between South Korea and North Korea has been under the control of political matters. And it is true that recently North Korea seeks the separation of political matters from economic matters. I try to show the possibility of sports-exchange through political and economic aspects., and suggest different stages for a settlement in consideration of these matters. My conclusion is as follows.
First, North korea doesn`t need to have a South-North korea Sports Conference right now. We know that some exchanges of sports in early 1990s had some strategic targets which were some sorts of unified mood, political propaganda, a means of passing the crisis or whatever. But no more new strategic targets they have.
Second, We must let North Korea be under the necessity of joining for the exchange of sports between South Korea and North Korea. To reach this situation, they must recognize the exchange of sports as an active source not a secondary in the political and military issues.
Third, there is a little possibility to reopen the exchange of sports which does no harm to North Korea staying in political power. Now North Korea is in need of economic aid from foreign counties because of famine and economic crisis. It only happens to offer the aid from America at the coast of North Korea`s fulfillment of the South-North Korea Agreement.
Fourth, first of all it is desirable for us to exchange the materials on sports and have some mutual visit programs with physical educators and physical directors. The next step is for the associated sports facilities ; new sports facilities in DMZ, for example. And a long-range plan to 21st century will be the sports programs for the unification of South and North Korea. Absolutely, the principles of equal rights and treatment, improvement, benefit and gradation should be considered.
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Taekwondo Center Coonstruction : Looking For More Efficient Way 스포츠행정 경영 : 태권도센타 ( 가칭 ) 건립 방안에 관한 구체적인 제언
38(1) 668-680, 1999
Taekwondo Center Coonstruction : Looking For More Efficient Way 스포츠행정 경영 : 태권도센타 ( 가칭 ) 건립 방안에 관한 구체적인 제언
The purpose of this study was to discuss the possible way of Taekwondo Center construction. Need and true meaning of the Taekwondo Center was presented. The six main functions of the Taekwondo Center were identified such as practicing gymnasium function, education center function, competition arena function, research center function, Taekwondo culture cultivating function, and attractive tour point function. The proper procedure for developing Taekwondo Center was also suggested; (1) Formation of the Construction Committee (2) Opinion collection procedure from the general public (3) writing the building program (4) consulting with the related government agencies (5) the design development process and construction (6) test operation. Three possible way of construction of Taekwondo Center were provided. Firstly, it was suggested to rebuild Taekwondo Center at the present Kukkiwon site with additional function of international educational center. Secondly, the construction of Taekwondo Center complex including competition arena at attractive tour area was proposed. Thirdly, it was the hybrid type of first and second one which had competition arena would be built at the present Kukkiwon site with other facilities for other important functions at attractive tour area.
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Equating and Differential Item Functioning of Three Sit-ups Tests 체육측정평가 : 윗몸일으키기 검사 ( Sit-up ) 의 동등화와 검사차별기능 검증
38(1) 683-697, 1999
Equating and Differential Item Functioning of Three Sit-ups Tests 체육측정평가 : 윗몸일으키기 검사 ( Sit-up ) 의 동등화와 검사차별기능 검증
A sit-ups test is one of the most popular physical fitness tests used in practice and it is included all the major national physical fitness testing and educational programs. For example, the flexed-leg sit-ups test (simplified as Sit-ups 1), in which testees` hands clasped in back of the neck and elbows pointed forward, was an earlier version employed in the Korean national physical fitness testing programs. The test was replaced by a modified sit-ups test in 1980s (simplified as Sit-ups 2), in which testee`s arms crossed at the chest with feet anchored. More recently, the modified test was replaced by a curl-ups test (simplified as Sit-ups 3), in which testees` arms and hands put on a mat beside body, with no feet anchored. However, the equivalence and differential item functioning of these tests has not been determined, which made it very difficult to use the tests exchangeablely. The purpose of this study was to determine the equivalence of these tests using a single-group equating design and to examine the differential item functioning of these tests between genders. Three sit-ups tests were administered to a total of 3,448 Korean school children and youth (1,752 boys and 1,696 girls), ranging in ages from 6 to 18 years. The tests were administered during a 3-week period, a test per week, and the testing orders were counterbalanced. To evaluate the equating accuracy, the collected data were randomly split into two samples: equating and cross-validation. The equivalent relationships of these tests were first determined using the equating sample, and the scores of Sit-ups 2 and 3 were equated to the scale of Sit-ups 1. The equating analyses were completed using the RAGE computer program (Zeng, Kolen, & Hanson, 1995), in which a set of equating methods was employed, including unsmoothed and smoothed (with eight spline-smoothing parameters) equipercentile equating and linear equating. The equating accuracy was evaluated using the cross-validation sample by an index called the "Root Mean Squared Difference" (RMSD), "Mean Squared Difference" (MSD), and t-test. The differential item functioning was examined through the index of Draba (1977) and the Rasch method using the FACETS computer program (Linacre, 1994). It was found that overall, sit-ups scores in the cross-validation sample were accurately estimated, and little difference was found among equating methods. The linear equating produced the best results showing the smallest RMSD. It was also revealed that overall, differential item functioning of 3 different sit-ups tests was not found between genders. After equating, the test scores cross the tests can be interpreted on the same scale and therefore be directly compared.
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An Analysis on the Different Views about JUDO Hantei Between Referees and Players 체육측정평가 : 유도 판정 경기에 대한 심판과 선수의 견해 차이 분석
최종삼JongSamChoi , 최관용KwanYongChoi
38(1) 698-710, 1999
An Analysis on the Different Views about JUDO Hantei Between Referees and Players 체육측정평가 : 유도 판정 경기에 대한 심판과 선수의 견해 차이 분석
최종삼JongSamChoi , 최관용KwanYongChoi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between referees` and players` subjective decision and to provide players and coaches with this information in order to reduce their complaints.
Subjects consist of 404 including 162 referees with 1st and 2nd class certificate nationwide and 242 national representative Judo players in universities of Seoul and Kyungki province. Instrument for the study was the survey of 32 items used in Koji Komata et al.(1997) with modification Chi-square test was employed for data analysis.
The results from this study are followings.
First, referees do not think that factors which are less related to the contents of competition, such as past achievement, prominence, techniques done out of contest area, manners for referees, attempt for hosting competition, coaches` behavior and coaching, do not influence on decisions, while players do.
Second, for undeclared technical effect, referees take point for the technique, while players think numbers of attack or skills in attack are important.
Third, for kind of technique, referees admit Te-waza, Koshi-waza, and Ashi-waza equally, while players think Te-waza or Koshi-waza is more important than Ashi-waza. And both referees and players think that tight position, precise technique, first offense.
Forth, for positiveness and posture, referees think that positive posture is important, while players think that superior grasp is important.
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Contributing factors and Preventative Measures of Eating Disorders among Ballet Dancers 무용 : 발레 무용수의 섭식장애의 원인과 예방에 관한 연구
38(1) 713-721, 1999
Contributing factors and Preventative Measures of Eating Disorders among Ballet Dancers 무용 : 발레 무용수의 섭식장애의 원인과 예방에 관한 연구
Female and male ballet dancers in Seoul province (N=108) were administered the Eating Disorder Inventory(EDI), Binge Eating Questionnaire(BEQ), Purging Mechanism Inventory(PMI), and Survey of Eating Disorders Among Dancers(SEDA). Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, T-Test, and Chi-Squared Test were used for analyzing data. Although instrumentation did not suggest anorexia nervosa as a major health problem, 9.3% of the ballet dancers were classified as DSM-III bulimic, 41% reported binge eating tendencies, 18% reported purging through vomiting, laxatives, or diuretics, and 24% identified themselves as having a history of eating disorders. With few exceptions, female ballet dancers had higher levels of DSM-III bulimia, binge eating, and self-reported eating disorders than male ballet dancers. In addition, 72% of those who had a history of eating pathology perceived ballet participation as a contributing factor. These data indicate the need for further examination of environmental factors within ballet community that contribute to eating disorders among ballet dancers.
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Ballet dancers, eating disorders
A study of policy on promate Korean dance 무용 : 한국의 무용진흥정책에 관한 연구
38(1) 722-729, 1999
A study of policy on promate Korean dance 무용 : 한국의 무용진흥정책에 관한 연구
The purposes of this study were to learn financial dance, I examed financial supply situation and supporting program by official organizations and request more initiative supporting program for official organizations. Our dancing area is serious due to re-organization and short of governmental budget. But we should acknowledge that if culture is in one of leisure activities, it is important "Supporting but no interference". But nowadays culture is just productive industry and we need positive supporting and management by government for cultural promotion.
As the result of examining our Korean dance promotion policy, we can find that the followings are necessary.
The support for dance group should be long-term main dance promotion policy.
1. Because temporary supporting makes creative individual or group to produce lower quality works
2. We should try to make social status of dance artists higher for dancing activities
3. Promoting dancing arts and development for economic status should be made by 3united body such as government business group, dancing artist.